Tuesday, October 27, 2015

COMING SOON: 30 Secret Numbers BOOK - Saed Karzoun

Almost every day, I receive messages from young men and women asking me: “How do I develop myself so I can land a job with a decent salary? How do I start my own project and fulfil my dreams? To whom should I turn for guidance and support in solving my problems? Why don’t I get to travel like everyone else? What are the secrets to success? What do I do and where should I start? I feel frustrated in my own country.” These recurrent questions, and many more, are essentially what urged me to write this book.

The story is about Farhan, a young man who will journey between galaxies in his own open space, in search of the secrets of his subconscious mind and the keys to success.

In the first galaxy, while he is still in the womb, we witness a dialogue between him and his mother; an ongoing conversation during his life-before-life. His first secret is a universal language carrying symbols and a complex code. It is the secret language the two shared at the time, and the mysterious link between his galaxy and her planet Earth. But during delivery, and the transfer of all the parts of his soul from her unto him, the symbols of this language spouted and scattered with the cosmic energy that emerged as he came out. Every symbol then disappeared into a cosmic rock, making it impossible for any creature to find and decipher them besides him, even if it should be after a while.

The first galaxy is the time realm from where Farhan’s life begins, and the spatial realm for his adventures and experiences. From there, he will set out on the journey to find his cosmic secrets.

In Farhan’s second galaxy, a new world lies ahead. He will rummage through its old secrets to unlock his own talisman. A talisman that will change him. In the second galaxy, strange things happen to Farhan. A shiver will run unexpectedly down his body, and his nose will grow and smell strange things happening. He becomes taller and his hair begins to thicken. His eyes widen and he feels an immense strength in his forearms. It is as if the magical island, where he found himself, passed unto him one of its secrets when he ate its bananas, swam in its milk and drank from its river of tea.

Farhan pursues his journey, and as he walks on, he is faced with a sandstorm that sways him left and right and carries him to the Lake of the Secret Soul. There, he feels something strange about the galaxy. His eyes tell him it is a cemetery, but his heart  smells the scent of life inside the hole. Suddenly, a strange creature resembling a tiny man leaps in front of him. The small manisa few centimeters tall, at best. His face consists of Aurora reflections and his cheeks are red and clear. His voice is deep and much bigger than his size. He has a huge beard, which comes down to his feet. What will happen between the two?

When Farhan leaves the lake, he will find a man sitting in the place of the guardian of the galaxy. He will then realize that he has reached the Galaxy of the Golden Tree Leaf. Who might that man be? And what is the story behind the leaf?

I will not elaborate further on the plot of the story – on how Farhan meets the love of his life on Facebook, or when he reaches the Galaxy of the Wise Men, where he will search for the secrets of the self, or when he arrives to the Galaxy of the Tree of Eternity.
Farhan came into this world, and with him his emerging cosmic rocks. His mission is to unlock their secrets, as in them lay his greatest secret of all. So will he succeed?  

More about 30 Secret Numbers
Mission: Positive mental energy is the road to salvation from the feelings of powerlessness. It is essential for collective success and positive change in our societies.

Expected benefit: To reduce negative images and thoughts in young minds in particular, and replace them with positive images that help them succeed.

Expected impact on societies: The more positive minds we have, the more we achieve. Not only will this lead to individual prosperity, but to collective wellbeing on the global level as well.

Reasons that support the reading of this work: Suspense is omnipresent in the writing. The style is appealing and simple, and the language is profound and accessible. It alternates between a first-person and a third-person narrative, keeping readers alert and keen on discovering the unknown. It features elements of modern and postmodern literature, allowing readers to take an active and interactive role with the text. Through this book, I seek to target youth and teenagers, and especially challenge those among them who do not read. The book is a wholehearted attempt to reach young minds directly.

Saed Karzoun

Saturday, February 7, 2015

YouKnow بتعرف إنو

بتعرف إنو
منصة ديجيتال تفاعلية (تكنوميديا) تجميع 
المواطن و (المدون والنشطاء والإعلاميين) وصانعي القرار .  قام بتأسيس المشروع سائد كرزون


An interactive digital platform which brings together decision makers, new media activists (bloggers, 
journalists, YouKnow specialists) and citizens. Founded by Saed Karzoun.

Monday, February 2, 2015

الفلسطيني سائد كرزون يحصد جائزة الرياديين العالميين

Blog Bus Idea - By Saed Karzoun

BlogBus is one of Saed's idea. The BlogBuss Social media platform is an interactive platform gathering the tweets and the posts of bloggers to share and exchange information and ideas among the virtual communities. 

Summary of the project :
The project aims to build a platform for Palestinian bloggers, journalists and social media activists to publish their blogs through linking the platform to a data hub that collects, analyzes, and disseminates data. The project seeks to connect traditional and non-traditional media outlets through online means of information dissemination. Furthermore, the project’s main activity is to bring together a group of bloggers and media experts for a visit (in a bus) to a specific location in the West Bank; 10 visits shall be organized over a period of 10 months. Each person on the bus will have the freedom to cover any story from the selected location; however, the participants will be provided with one unified theme for their stories; the subjects may include: youth concerns, women issues, unemployment, political and social struggles, or any other issue to be selected by the project team. Participants shall be trained on how to use digital and social media tools during the project to publish their blogs during their visits to locations in the West Bank in one Bus.

Saed Karzoun nominated to participate in the regional finals of the Fifth annual Hult Prize 2014

             Nominated to participate in the regional finals of the Fifth annual Hult Prize; the world’s largest competition in London for $1 million in start-up funding to solve President Clinton’s Healthcare Challenge.

Saed Karzoun: The WINNER of the prize of Social Entrepreneurs Initiative Global 2014


Sunday, February 1, 2015

الحلم العظيم: سائد كرزون: يجمع أفكاره لتتجلى في تغيير

سائد كرزون رائدا في عالم الشباب والتغيير المجتمعي

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Saed Karzoun: Social Media and Communication Trainer in Palestine

Professional Experience

Saed Karzoun

      . 2015: Digital media coaching program for Goethe Institute in Ramallah, Palestine.. 2014: the winner of the prize of Social Entrepreneurs Initiative Global 2014 by Transparency International.
· 2014: New Media and communication trainer for D.W Akademie.
· 2014: Saed has successfully completed the training “Train the Trainer – Media Development” by D.W Akademie.
· 2014: Participated in the 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) in Hildesheim, Germany.
· 2014: Founder and CEO of Taghyeer for Social Media.

·2014: Nominated to participate in the regional finals of the Fifth annual Hult Prize; the world’s largest competition in London for $1 million in start-up funding to solve President Clinton’s Healthcare Challenge.·2013-2014: Digital media & Advocacy coaching program for 12 Palestinian Municipalities and Youth Promoters programme in the West Bank and social media consultant at GIZ.
· 2013-2014 Media and Communication consultant for the EU.

· 2013: Digital tools and citizen journalism coaching program for 100 journalists in cooperation with Medan from Egypt & Maan News Network in West Bank and Gaza.
· 2013: Social media coaching for the EU as part of the EU initiative to enhance NGO capacities.
· 2013: Participated in Digital Journalism tools training for newsgathering & reporting across cultures, organized and founded by Google and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations in association with The World Bank Institute.

· 2012: Participated in a 4-week internship to develop media projects and publish journalism reports at Deutsche Welle in the city of Bonn, Germany.
· 2012: Participated in 4-week Cultural Management Programme for Cultural Managers at Goethe Institute in Berlin, Hamburg and Bonn, Germany.
· 2012: Awarded certificate for successful completion of training on making of television news by Thomson Reuters.

· 2011-2014: Social Media Coaching programs at AMAN, Diakonia, Excellence, Internews, WATC, Sharek, AMIN, GIZ, YDD, FFP, Juzoor & efe, Ougarit, CRS.
·  2012:  Held a workshop on social media at the World Bank office in Jerusalem.
· 2012:  Social Media coaching program at Amid East offices in Ramallah, Jerusalem and Nablus for 80   students and activists: (Filming, Blogging, Social Media campaigns- FACEBOOK, TWITTER, YOUTUBE, VIMEO, LinkedIn, Flickr, Photobuket, Picasa, Slide Share, 4
Shared, Scribd, ITunes, Last.FM, Socialthing, Qik.com, Live Stream, UStream, RecordPro, AudiBoo, Life and communication skills).